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The BeBop Channel Corporation issues the following Retraction in connection with its recent Settlement with Zilpin Group, LLC and Jeffrey C. Wolk:
The BeBop Channel Corp. hereby retracts all statements made as to the conduct of Jeffrey Wolk and Zilpin Group leading up to and continuing through and after BeBop’s purchase of Madavor Media, LLC. BeBop acknowledges that Mr. Wolk and Zilpin behaved honorably and met all their commitments to BeBop and to all Madavor’s other stakeholders, and that Mr. Wolk remains a valued shareholder of BeBop. The unfortunate allegations made about Mr. Wolk and Zilpin in BeBop’s prior filings and statements were inaccurate and regrettable. The parties have settled the dispute regarding the titles previously owned by Madavor Media, LLC.
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